They took my info from somewhere and created account by themselves without my permission There is no option to delete account even. DELETE MY ACCOUNT ASAP OR I HAVE TO TAKE THIS TO COURT
Server is not Connecting...why....??? I need job an English spoken and management.
3rd App,it's not responding at all
Something wrong with the server configuration, I cannot log via app, "unable to connect to server," and I just downloaded the app to update my experience in CV because I cannot add any experience in the website and I downloaded the app to do it. It is strange the IT support, people complain for a while about unable to connect to server their and answer have you tried to clear cache?
What a dumb application. I downloaded it and never seen it opening due to server error. Inna lillah wa inna ilaihi rajion.
Unable to connect to the server.
Not working
Always unable to connect the server I"ll try more times
So far so good
unable to connect server